Terms & Conditions

Terms & conditions

These terms and conditions outline the rules and regulations for the use of Keoshaa Website, located at keoshaa.com.

By accessing this website, we assume you accept these terms and conditions. Do not continue to use keoshaa.com if you do not agree to take all of the terms and conditions stated on this page.

In using the shopping services of Keoshaa, customers are deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions listed below.

Keoshaa reserves the right to add, delete, alter or modify these terms and conditions at any time. The Customer is therefore advised to read carefully these terms and conditions each time he or she uses the shopping service(s) of Keoshaa

Terms & Conditions :

  1. All prices are in Indian Rupees and the products are delivered in the respective cities selected by the customer.
  2. The normal delivery time of the product ordered is between 9:00 am to 08:00 pm.
  3. For the items delivered by the courier/speed post / registered post, their respective policies apply Keoshaa reserves the right to charge the order if by any chance the recipient rejects the order for any reason.
  4. The Company will not be responsible for any loss or damage/delay direct to the consignment or consequential, caused due to incorrect address, any act of God, such as accidents, any natural calamity, war, riot, commotion, strike, Local/Political Disruptions, Air / Rail / Road Disruptions / Delay or any other cause whatsoever beyond the control of the Company. No claim for loss/damage/delay will be entertained by the Company in such events.
  5. The company shall not be liable for any consequential or special damages or loss (including loss of income, profits, makers, reputation, use of contents or loss of any opportunity) or other indirect loss arising from the loss, damage, delay, mis delivery or non-delivery of your consignment even if we had knowledge that such damages or loss might arise. The company shall not be liable if your consignment or any part of it is lost, damaged, delayed or more delivered which shall include war, accident, acts of public enemies, strikes, embargoes, perils of the air, local disputes, civil commotions, National or local disruption in air or ground transportation networks, mechanical problems to modes of transport or machinery or patent defects or inherent vice in the contents of the consignment.
  6. Keoshaa shall try its best for prompt delivery. The expected time of delivery for all domestic deliveries is 12-15 days from the time it is picked up from Vendor's shop, depending on the location. Delayed/early delivery for whatever reason shall not entitle the customer to any damages or compensation.
  7. In spite of full caution taken at the time of delivery Keoshaa will not be responsible for a miss-delivery if the receiver of the product at the address on the order form misappropriates, damages or fails to hand over the product to the person named on the order form and takes the item posing himself to be the correct person.
  8. The products/services provided on this site are without warranties of any kind Keoshaa does not warrant that the products/services offered will be exactly similar, error-free, or that the defects will be corrected.
  9. The products shown are indicative only.
  10. Any purchases made under discounted rates on our registered website (https://keoshaa.com/) are non-refundable. Under certain situations, the brand (© Keoshaa) has the sole authority to either approve or disapprove such refunds based on the genuineness of the claim.
  11. Orders once placed cannot be cancelled or changed.
  12. Keoshaa will deliver exactly the same products displayed on its web pages and from the same sources indicated. However, in certain unavoidable circumstances arising due to the non-availability of products from indicated sources, it reserves the right to change the source and deliver approximately similar kinds of products. If a similar kind of product is not available, Keoshaa will inform the sender to change the order or wait until it becomes available.
  13. Keoshaa will not charge more than the prices mentioned on its web pages but in certain unavoidable circumstances, it reserves the right to change the prices anytime, without any prior notice and charge the sender accordingly.
  14. In the unlikely event of a dispute relating to the services of Keoshaa, the dispute shall be subjected to the jurisdiction of Mumbai (India) courts.
  15. Keoshaa reserves the right to withhold delivery of any consignment booked by the Customer if proper acknowledgement, viz, signature, company seal, date and time of delivery is refused by the concerned consignee and the Company will not be responsible for any consequence or loss due to such non-delivery. Unless otherwise specified all deliveries will be made only at the address mentioned on the consignment/consignment note. However, the Company reserves to right to claim and receive the courier charges for the consignment The sender is bound to the above terms and conditions once he/she places the order. The sender should read the above terms and place the order with Keoshaa only if they are acceptable to him/her.
  16. The Customer will provide the full address with a pin code number and telephone number for all consignments booked for easy identification and prompt delivery. The Company will not deliver any consignment with a post-box address only. Further, the Company will not provide any proof of delivery in respect of consignments to be delivered to Governmental / Semi-Governmental offices.
  17. The Customer agrees to reimburse the Company on demand any payment incurred by the Company towards Octroi /Entry Tax charges, Sales Tax, Airport / Railway station. Demurrage Charges or any Penalty related to any of the aforesaid or for Non-Submission of Various Government Forms / Road Permits or any Other Government Levies for any consignment booked by the Customer.
  18. The Company holds the right to destroy all records of delivery and other connected documents after 90 days of booking
  19. Company agrees to provide proof of deliveries to the Customer against the consignments booked and delivered; as a soft copy as provided by the logistics company and not the physical copy however not providing such proof will not be a pre-condition for payment to the Company by the Customer, in the interim should a requirement arise for a dispute/assurance of delivery, the company would provide the necessary records in the soft format as provided by a logistics company.
  20. All the terms & conditions printed overleaf of the consignment note of the logistics partner are also binding on the Customer.
  21. The customer undertakes and agrees with the company, that they shall not permit any other person who has an interest in the consignment to bring a claim or action against us arising from the carriage, even though we may have been negligent or in default and if a claim or action is made, the customer will indemnify us against the consequences of the claim or action and the cost and expenses we incur in defending it.